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Where.. oh, where?

A little bit about Smashwords

​​​       While the title might call up the horrific Ghallager-esque images of watermelons, mallets, and splattered works of literature, the truth is far from such nightmare inducing madness.  For those who don't already know Smashwords is one of the largest and most successful self-publishing services there is to be found in this digital age.  If you are regular consumer of e-books you might very well have read works published through Smashwords whether you are aware of it or not.  Apple, Barnes &Noble, Diesel, Kobo, Sony, Blio, and just recently libraries have all begun to seek out Smashwords and their legions of authors.

        My books first and foremost appear on Smashwords before any other service, this is because they are the ones who see to it that my books are passed across the internet.  But many do not know that Smashwords also sells the books it helps to reach the reading world.  And though my opinion may only be taken as a grain of salt, I know I am not mistaken when I say no other retailer has more to offer fans of e-books.  Because their primary role is that of a publishing service and not directly a seller of books, almost every major and minor format is available through them.  And once a book is purchased through them, multiple copies of those books can be downloaded and in multiple formats.  So that it is possible to have your favorite books by your favorite authors on all you favorite devices.  Be they Kindle, smart phones, tablets, computer screens, iPods, iPads, iPhones, or just your every day ordinary e-reader, including all of the above.  In addition to this cornucopia of reading possibilities once a book is purchased through them it is always available through them even if you delete the book and want to read it again later on in the passage of time.

         So whether you are a fanatic of the written word, a casual reader, or merely looking for something to waste away a few hours of your day.  Do yourself a favor, take a bit of unsolicited advice, and have a look at Smashwords.  All purchases are handled through PayPal and all one needs is a valid email account to get started.


​​     My books are available for your Apple devices all you need to do is enter the iStore through the software of your choice and search for Shiva Winters.



​​​​      While all my books can be brought to your Kindle devices, my books are not available through Amazon, save for the free one.  Please visit the page My War with Amazon​ for more information as to why, and how you can bring my books to your Kindle.

    Simply click on any of the retailers above to visit their sites, and search for Shiva Winters.  Most of these retailers do not sell my books in formats that are compatible with all devices or software.

                                                 However, Smashwords does.

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