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      What is one to say about such things?  I ask rhetorically, since more or less I am talking to myself with these words.  After all my opinions are skewed since I was to write these worlds into being.  While my knowledge of the 'Facts' beyond and behind these imagined realities is without equal, I am but a single person on a big blue world filled with others who do not see things quite the same way I do.  So I ask again as the creator and author of these worlds, what words am I to use to describe what I have brought into being?

      As the author I must need to speak to such things, since while I might claim many a title in my own worlds, is it really fair of me to argue value and merit of any given thing.  From my perspective my writing has been my own strange form of self-entertainment and the means by which I escape the dull-drums of reality.  While I like and love many of things of things I have written, I may very well be the only one.  Though time has shown me that I am not alone in my fondness for the results of the hobby I enthusiastically pursue, what is one person's opinion of the grand scheme of things?

      Though I and others have liked a thing does not necessarily mean anything, big or small, when faced the total sums of all people and all things there is in this world.  For my part it can not be denied that my opinion is biased, after all I wrote these stories, created these worlds for myself, and my own need to let my imagination carry me to whatever far off destination it wished to see.  And simply because I believe them a worthy use of my idle moments, does not mean simply anyone might agree.  I do not proclaim the value or merits of my books, nor do I believe that simply anyone should say why or if people should like something, after all what is one person's opinion in the grand scheme of things..

                               .. especially when one's opinions are biased about any given thing.


Change of Season

​​​           ~Book One of the Relics and Remnants Series

          Humanity had since extended it's reach out among the stars, sending off great ships of exploration and colonization with their sleeping human cargo into the immense distances between the stars.  As centuries span out into mostly forgotten history and vast distances of time and space are left behind.  A new world of humans is created out there in the inky depths of space, only they are not the first intelligent species to have called that world 'home'.  Having set out to leave the world of high-tech behind them these people find themselves brushing back the gathered dust of a lost civilization to find machines capable of things their species had only begun to imagine.  History has not always been kind to humanity, and as they take their first steps onto a world that is both new and old, there is no telling what future might bring their descendants.  With each seasons passing, time moves steadily forward, whether it is observed from the bench of a wagon as the road passes by or seen through a familiar window across a beloved landscape, change is always carried by the winds.


The Sixth Line of Defense    ~ New Price!~

​​​           ~Book One of the Forgotten Children Series

          What is it that makes one human?  Is it the parents that brings a new life into the world?  Is it the society that teaches children how to see the world around them?  Is it the blood running through one's veins, or the DNA hidden in one's cells?  Or is it something else, something that can not be weighed or measured.  In a not too distant future and in a world left scarred and reeling from the dark shadows of War, the questions of humanity aren't ones left to philosophers and poets.  They are real and important questions, all too close to the surface of things.  For when one is built gene by gene to be the ultimate living weapon, the question of what makes a human being has a staggering importance.  Because if it is all a simple matter of biology and genetics, is it possible to become more than what one is created to be.  Can one become human, or are they doomed to forever be the perfect weapon?

The Sixth Movement

​​​           ~Book Two of the Forgotten Children Series

          The Series Five Scandal has almost played out in the Halls of Politics and the Sanctums of the Military whose name it tarnished.  While disaster still looms out there among the stars, for the moment the truce between Series Six and the rest of humanity remains untested.  The need of those children can not allow the government and military to give up those 'weapons' as they try to correct the collective wrong their lost military 'hardware' can do on the unsuspected public.  But for the time being, the Family has earned their right to their 'freedom' but can they keep it?  Beneath their feet the forgotten places of Anslaw begin to rumble, and from the foundations of their former prison, the ghosts of that secret histories begin to ooze out.  As all the things no one was ever told in the past, begin to be whispered into this changed world, the Family's freedom could not be more at risk.



Once Upon Another World

​​           ~Book One of the Salak'patan Series

          He had lived a mostly ordinary life, in a seemingly ordinary city, on a fairly ordinary blue-green planet with an all too ordinary name.  And while his 'day-job' was to spend the hours of his life thinking extra-ordinary thoughts, Raven Sinclair never really considered the haze of ordinary things filling ordinary days would ever change.  But a twilight loom across that very unordinary city and when his friends find that a creeping darkness has begun to skulk from the shadows, Raven Sinclair has to put aside his ordinary thoughts and step forward into the unknown.  All too quickly his life, his job, and even the 'world' he thought he knew are cast into the chaotic winds of change, shattering them against the hard surface of truth.  A past he knew nothing about, a history he couldn't have imagined, a love he never thought to find, and a destiny he wants nothing to do with, all conspire to insure nothing would be ordinary ever again.  And to insure this lesson is learned the forgotten shadow of a monster reaches up from the void to strike at him and everything he loves.


Of Forgotten Days and Lost Worlds

​​​          ~Book Two of the Salak'patan Series

           It was a pain that would never fade and would never be forgotten, it would remain always present just beneath the surface.  It was after all the pain that could only be felt by those who had one half of their soul ripped away from them violently.  However in that pain there was a legacy, both of spirit and in the things she had tried to teach him.  It was to this legacy he had dedicated himself to in heart, body, and mind, trying to forever inscribe those lessons and her legacy into history.  But when the black shadows of the forgotten past loom up from the ether to once more threaten all worlds and all peoples with a war certain at long last end everything that had mattered to her, Monorth must choose.  He must decide to honor the memory of his lost beloved and all that she valued, or he must choose to destroy everything she held dear in order to save a reality that had brought him nothing but pain and torment.


At the Gates of the Worlds' Rim

​​​         ~Book Three of the Salak'patan Series

          The hands of time have turned once more and with the passage of those slowly moving hands, Monorth's name has begun to fade into history once more.  Soon enough he might even be forgotten as both a hero and villain, and will be consigned to a mere footnote in the annuals of history.  However his life has not stood still in the passage of those years, as the daughter he had never planned raising as his own child has grown, and the time has come for her to put aside the games that children play.  While these thoughts sit at the forefront of Monorth's thoughts, there is always the memory of distant worlds and far off places hovering in the background of his idle day-dreams.  So when the chance comes to again leave behind what was 'Known' and step once more into all that was still waiting to be rediscovered he takes it.  But he cannot know that he is about to step into the waiting teeth of Destiny..


The Twisted Strands of Time

​​​          ~Book Four of the Salak'patan Series

          They had disappeared in a flash of light, taken from that world and leaving a gaping hole in all of the hearts of the family they left behind with that sudden absence.  Monorth had been their guiding light and the star by which their course had been set when they ventured into the unknown.  With Monorth now gone, lost to history, and with his fate unknown, it falls to his family to try and gather up the scattered pieces of their suddenly shattered reality and piece together all that has left behind.  And while hope is not yet lost, does his family have the strength to carry on with that lofty goal he had hoped would be his legacy to the World, without Monorth to show them the way.  Can they even hope to find the clues scattered across time and space that might allow them to help him, or even learn of his fate.  Or has the end of his story and theirs already been written across stars?


The Gossamer Threads of Fate​

​​       â€‹  ~Book 4.5 of the Salak'patan Series

         Trapped in Time, those words echoed hollowly in his ears like the punchline to some unfunny joke.  But for someone who is lost in history with billions of years separating them from the home and family they love, the realities of that situation are all too harsh and hard to accept.  And for Monorth, these realities are all too clear and present, because these are the truths he must now face.  It was supposed to have been a harmless bit of adventure, a few weeks exploring an unknown world and perhaps discovering a little bit of unknown history.  And all of had come tumbling down to shatter against the surface of truth, and all because of one maniacal ball of fuzzy energy.  Now faced with an impossible journey towards the home and the family the had left behind, Monorth must find a way to close the gap of eons of history even as the consuming shadow of a Monster casts his future into twilight and echoes consequences from his own history.


The Shifting Tides of History

​​           ~Book Five of the Salak'patan Series

          The man who had guided their family out past the edge of reality is gone, and while they had been given evidence that his life carried on after he was snatched from their lives, his ultimate fate has not yet been decided.  For the family left reeling by his sudden departure in history, answers are few even when all they want is to know Monorth's fate.  And though there has been truth enough to know his time in history was anything but uneventful since he has brought a being into the world capable of making time-travel possible, the search for him continues.  Now it falls to his family to both insure that Monorth's legacy carries on long into a future that still lies ahead while the probe the depths of ages past for the answers to his fate.  Will he be able to navigate a history that was long ago shattered, or will they lose him as he fades into legends and myths of ages long forgotten.  Is there an answer to the question they have all been asking, and can they find it when they too step back through time?


The Tangled Path of Destiny

​​           ~Book 5.5 of the Salak'patan Series

          After decades trapped into the long ago spans of forgotten history spent walking among the legendary and mysterious Ancients, Monorth had stepped forward in time to reach an different epoch.  Unfortunately for him, his course through history has been easy up until now, because in a few short years the golden age of the civilization swirling around him will become a ruin.  The Mage War is coming and it will soon tear at the very fabric of reality as the living monsters and the self-professed 'gods' of this dark age wage a war on a universal scale.  Trillions will die, worlds will blink out of existence, and races will become extinct as the 'Great Mages' of history try to claim the ultimate power of the universe for their own glory, and they will stop at nothing to take that prize.  Now Monorth must face the terrible truth nightmarish facts of the darkness to come, does he hide away from history, or does he dare to become one of the greatest Monsters in all of history.  Because for him there is only way to reach home, right through the snarling jaws of history's darkest chapter. 


Wandering Steps Across a Starry Sky


         A Life in Motion is not for everyone.  After all people are born to live beneath a sky and cross to the horizons with their own two feet.  So in the third age of space travel when it takes more than two feet to cross the vast distances of interstellar space, it falls to the Gypsies of the Stars to be sped through inky spaces between the far flung stars.  This is not a life for many as humanity has spread and their horizons have grown to stand beneath the skies of many worlds.  However a life on an unending journey is all that the strange family that calls the Pyrius home has ever wanted, as they shift across the horizons free from gravity's tug to hold them down.  But a chance encounter changes their lives for all the days that might follow, bringing them love and the freedom to chart their course to wherever their hearts might take them.  And as their wandering steps carry them across the skies of many worlds, they could never have suspected that they would change how humanity saw those distant stars, forever.

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