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The Worlds

          The worlds created in my books, are many.  The Salak'patan series alone, houses a miniaturized universe all its' own with many billions of worlds, and a spread of possibilities even my imagination can not fully encompass at a given time.  But when I speak of 'Worlds' I do not speak of the planets on which many of my books take place, I am talking about all the big and little things that goes into the books.  All the facts, figures, planets, dynamics, peoples, places, and plot holes that are a primary part and a vital tenant of 'World-building'.

           In this section of the website I will do my best to provide the background chunks and tidbits that are often only glanced or overlooked completely when my mind is buried deep in the thicket of writing a given 'World' into being.  A great deal more thought goes into the unstated facts than you might think.  So this page exists both to allow me to fill in a bit of rambling discourse on a number of subjects as well as provide a some background and insights into the worlds and 'Worlds' found inside my books.

The Salak'patan Series

​​​       The Salak'patan is a magical construct that spans interstellar space and connects billions of habitable worlds together.  It allows the people of that universe to cross between those worlds without the need of space ships or faster than light travel.


The Relics and Remnants Series

​​​        A colony world of humanity established in the first great wave of human history in space.  The colony founders thought to create a utopia free from the distractions and evils of technology.  Little did they know that they were not first people to have claimed that world, and that the species to have long ago made that world their own long before surpassed humanity.  And what they left behind will insure that nothing will every be the same again.  Time turns and the future comes whether the descendants of humanity are ready for it or not.



The Forgotten Children Series

​​​        The time-line of this series takes place after the first interstellar war of humanities' troubled passage as a space-faring race.  To end the war genetic manipulation was used to create the perfect soldier, but what came of that grand experiment was more than anyone could have expected.


The Colonies

​​​        This World is found in the book Wandering Steps Across a Starry Sky, and is a World where humanity has at long last stepped past the confines of the single planet that gave birth to their race.  With colonies spread across the vast distances of interstellar space, commerce and contact falls to the pioneering souls who willing cross the darkness to touch all those worlds on the horizons. 


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