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About the Author​

 â€‹ï»¿The Manifesto of the Strange


      When it comes to my self I all too often have very little to say, and more often choose to say nothing rather than fill in the silence with whatever random personal facts might pop into my head at a given time.  So if you wandered into this part of the website expecting to find some deeply personal discourse on the truths of my reality, one filled with all manner of personal details, I fear you are doomed to disappointment.  The facts of the matter are I don't consider myself to be all that interesting and therefore would much rather waste away an hour or two in passionate discourse over any other subject beyond the one that is the most personal.

          In an age when a great many people feel as if its' necessary to document every single detail of their lives and day to day activities, in real time no less, my reluctance to offer even the most vague of insights is perhaps impossible for many to understand.  For all that I could wax rhapsodic about who I am, my life, my beliefs, and events past, present, and future, all the things that I could say and can say would hardly matter in the grand scheme of things.  Because no 'Bio' of a thousand or words or less could encompass all that I am or could be, just as no novel can truly encompass a world much less many.  For all facts and figures I could fire off to fill this space with random digital detritus, it would be far more telling if I were to spend my time saying something about my writing.  This website after all is here to highlight my books and hopefully help people who might like them find them.

          For all that I am the author of these books and the creator of these worlds, there is in truth little ego involved in the creation and publication of them.  For me, writing has been and perhaps always will be my own personalized for of self entertainment, and it has been this way for better than 20 years.  While I could all rights claim to be the Author, Editor, and Publisher of my books, none of these words really have meaning in my personalized reality.  If pressed I might claim to be a writer, but the truth of the matter is I am little more than an enthusiastic hobbyist with a modicum of talent.  To claim to be any more professional than that is a conceit, just it is a conceit for mainstream (the writers seen in you brick and mortar bookstores) to claim they are solely responsible for seeing their books in print and up on those book shelves.  In all truth those authors are all but lying when they make such claims since their books are more written by committee as they are reduced to a fine paste by the editors, spell checkers, and a corporate vetting process that all but removes the smallest chance for any originality or creative thought.

         For my part, and for the sake of that unspoken need to reject the mainstream, and otherwise stubbornly cling to those things that set me apart from others, anything 'mainstream' is to be avoided.  My stories are unusual, my characters are often strange, my plots and story-lines at times seem almost non-existent, and I almost never follow the 'standard' model in my books, for anything.  I consider my writing process to be an organic thing, my books are often begun with a single idea and no concept or plan as to where the story and characters will go.  From the moment the first sentence has been stretched across the first blank page, all bets are off, and the story is free to grow and change with almost no conscious input from me.  The characters, the world, the story, and all the details that go into such things are free to shift, redirect, alter, and grow the story into directions and realms that even I am surprised at when it is all said and done.  When I write, it is the chance moments of inspiration that are most important, I do not use an outline, guidebook, or a treasure map to chart the course of what I am writing.

         I do not write hollywood summer blockbuster like books filled with flashy explosions, abrupt dialogue, and bad acting.  I do not write by committee, I do not promise my readers that I will catch every single mistake, I do not promise my readers that I will provide them with what they think would have been an interesting way to go.  I do not promise my books will be come out dripping with tension, filled with high strung drama, packed full of action/sex/special effects.  And I most certainly do not promise, from the very bottom of my heart, that everyone will like my books.

          This is because these books were not written with simply anyone in mind, my books are written for an audience of one, myself.  Just as I am not your average person, neither can I claim to be just your average writer, and my books are a reflection of these somewhat unique attributes.  My books were written as they are because I enjoy them as they are.  They weren't written with the idea of mass marketing firmly planted in my brain, they weren't written to 'entertain the masses', and they most certainly weren't written with the belief or goal that everyone will like them.  Just as I am not your average writer, my books are not intended for just your average reader.

           All that aside, as an author, there are a lot of things I can't promise you as a reader.  But what I can and will promise you is that my goal is to provide with the best story it is in my ability to provide.  I promise the best 'bang' for your entertainment dollar, I am able to provide.  I promise that you my books might not be what you are expecting, but that they might very well be the better for it.  And I promise that even though my books might not ever be perfect that I will do my best over time to try improve them.

            If you are looking for a rehashed, rethought book you've read a dozen times..  If you are looking for an action packed roller coaster ride of epic proportions..  If you are looking for a drama filled tension driven thriller..  If you are looking for a quick read to fill in the minutes between days..  If you are looking for a book with any illusions or expectations about what will ultimately offer you..

            Then I am likely not the author you are looking for.


            However, if you are looking for something to read that is both meant to entertain and will cast aside what you might have expected, and something that will let you escape the boundaries of reality..

                                                                                                    .. then maybe I have something for you.

What's cooking..

​​​     Here's where I'll offer up insights into my plans and projects that might see the light of freedom in the coming days...

      ï»¿The Sixth Strike​, the newly re-entitled third book of the Forgotten Children series is now on the books and slated for future days.


      The Lady of Shapes, (temp title) is another of my strange ideas that formed a story that grew a length tale and then potentially a series.  It's unnamed first book is on my book for the coming days.


      In the Relics and Remnants Series, a second book has begun the often convoluted process of becoming reality.  The Winters family's struggle to hide from their enemies and find hope for the family's future sends them down roads many had never thought to travel.


      Book 6 of the Salak'patan Series is planned, but unwritten and untitled and will eventually reach 'priority' states after I finally recover from writing the fifth books of that series.

       The 'Others' that ubiquitous moniker by which I label all my other half finished stories and ideas currently rest at the bottom of the pile.  But I am always writing something, often enough when my named series are stalled and delayed for varied reasons.  But there are numerous stories I'd love to see in print, and one day soon one of them will rise from the ashes of neglect to cast a shadows across the skies of my worlds. 


​Random Thoughts​


    If it's called 'social media' why is that the people who use it the most can't look up from their phones long enough to even speak to those around them?

     If the skies were purple, the grass was yellow, and two moons were hanging against the heavens, would people still say that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence?

      How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck had a chainsaw?

What!?!  No Facebook?!

        You read that right people, in this day and age of social media overload there is someone who rejects, casts off, and otherwise ignores all the ubiquitous and omnipresent buttons that fill up most peoples days and perhaps haunts their dreams.  And before anyone thinks to ask, No, there aren't any twitter feeds either.

        While my reasons are personal and my beliefs are strong (as well as being unflattering), there is only one reason for me to ever change my lack of 'status' and my absence of 'updates', and that would be thing is that social media might serve some small purpose in life.  That reason would be the slim chance that 'social media' might make it easier for my readers to connect with me and for my potential readers to connect with my books.  But it is a slim reward and a hefty price to pay.

         In my reality I have no need of more distractions or outlets than the ones that already consume much of my free time.  After all, I already have the blinking cursor of my textual frankenstiens constantly threatening to feast upon the fleshy parts of my soul most days.  All these haunted girl can really manage to do occasionally pay attention to blog and be bothered to check her email once in a while.

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